Los Peñasquitos – Project Clean Water

Los Peñasquitos – Project Clean Water

Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve –

Discharging just south of the City of Del Mar, the Los Peñasquitos Hydrologic Area encompasses a land area of about 33,000 acres. Most of this region lies within the jurisdiction of the City of San Diego, with remaining portions of the system divided up between the City of Del Mar and San Diego County.

The system includes a number of noteworthy water bodies, such as Los Peñasquitos Creek, Carmel Valley Creek, and Carroll Canyon Creek, all of which feed into Los Peñasquitos Lagoon. Marking the point at which Los Penasquitos Creek meets the Pacific Ocean, Los Peñasquitos Lagoon is comprised of a range of ecologically and environmentally sensitive areas. For example, it is home to the Los Peñasquitos Marsh Natural Preserve, a portion of the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve that is closed to boating and is open to hikers only on a limited basis. Much like other Southern California estuaries and lagoons, it provides habitat to a number of endangered species, largely of the avian variety.

In the upper reaches of the system, just below the Poway Hydrologic Area, is Miramar Reservoir. Completed as a part of the City of San Diego’s Aqueduct project in 1960, the reservoir has a maximum storage capacity of about 7,000 cubic acre-feet and contains water sourced from the Colorado River and California Aqueducts.1

The Los Peñasquitos system contains relatively large swaths of undeveloped land. In fact, about forty-one percent (41%) of its land area is currently undeveloped or open space, and about twenty-six percent (26%) of the hydrologic area is being utilized for residential land uses. The remaining land area is divided between transportation (15%), industrial (10%), and miscellaneous land uses (8%).

Partially as a result of development, several water bodies were listed as impaired as required by Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. In the Los Peñasquitos Hydrologic Area, Los Peñasquitos Creek was listed as impacted by Enterococcus bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria, selenium, total dissolved solids, total nitrogen as N, and aquatic toxicity. In addition, the lagoon is affected by sedimentation and siltation.

 San Dieguito and Los Peñasquitos WMA Water Quality Improvement Plan Workgroup – Project Clean Water

San Dieguito and Los Peñasquitos Watershed Management Area
Water Quality Improvement Plan Workgroup

City of San Diego
9370 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92123

Virtual Conference Call – MS Teams
Thursday September 16, 2021
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
For more information, contact Andrew Funk at 619-755-7875 or AFunk@sandiego.gov

Agenda Items:

1. Call to Order [10:00-10:05]
2. Opportunity for Members of the Public to Speak – maximum 3 minutes to address items not on the agenda [10:05 – 10:08]
3. Approve Meeting Minutes [10:08 – 10:10]
4. Monitoring Update [10:10 – 10:20]

a. Preparation for Wet Season

5. Bacteria TMDL Assessment [10:20 – 10:30]
6. Annual Reports [10:30 – 10:40]

a. Schedule Check In
b. Draft JRMP Request

7. 19/20 Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito Annual Report Comment Letter [10:40 – 11:15]

a. Homeless Encampment Mapping
b. Definition of Clear Link
c. Fresh Water Goals for LP
d. October 1 Items

8. LP WQIP Update [11:15– 11:45]

a. Schedule for WQIP Update
b. Consultation Panel Meeting Review
c. WQIP Draft 1 Discussion

9. Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Project Status Update [11:45 – 11:55]
10. Next Meeting [11:55 – 12:00]


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